Sunday, March 11, 2007

San Francisco: El Festival de los Hippies

Hippie culture is alive and well, in Golden Gate park, San Francisco.

As we were wandering through the park with Alex, we heard some music (well, drums at least) and assumed there must be a concert. Naturally we went to investigate, and instead found a large grassy field fully of people playing various ball games and/or singing and dancing to an apparentely impromptu band of drummers in the middle of the field. Many of them were topless (no, only the guys sorry), and even more had dreadlocks. None of the many people performing (in addition to the drummers there were people singing and doing acrobatic tricks) were busking, and none of them had any microphones or other equipment, it seemed like they had all just decided that today would be a good day to go practice outside in the park. Everyone not performing seemed happy enough to sit back and oblige.

There was also, of course, the occasional whiff of dope coming from indeterminate locations, but don't let that ruin the image. It was very cool, if not quite my thing.

Near the edge of the park where it met the road, were some 9-11 conspiracy theorists angrily waving signs and shouting. They seemed very happy. They offered us a free DVD and gave us a pamphlet that looked like a dollar bill, although none of us could work out why it was designed to look like a dollar bill. My best guess is that if you wave paper in people faces on the street, they're much more likely to take it if it's green and has numbers on it. It worked for me.


You can see the rest of our photos from the park, including way too many photos of squirrels, here.

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